TOMRA presented a new potato sorter
TOMRA presented a new potato sorter

The optical sorter TOMRA 3A is the successor to the sorting machine TOMRA FPS, the potato sorter for sorting potatoes straight from the field. The new sorting machine uses even more modern technologies. It is mainly about higher efficiency and elimination of green potatoes. The TOMRA 3A sorter is also based on near-infrared sensors analysing fresh trench plants straight from the field.

Just like the FPS sorter, it guarantees the elimination of all unknown bodies, i.e. stones, lumps of earth and other contaminants, using the process of control and rejection of the product in the scanning zone, which enables their detection and immediate removal.

More information about the sorter can be found on the manufacturer’s website.

We remind you that it is possible to test the machine in your own company!

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