Archimedes Ltd implements a project co-financed from the European Funds “Development of an innovative automated process of manufacturing modular conveyor belts with the use of cobot”.
The aim of the project is to increase the innovative potential and importance of R&D activity in ARCHIMEDES by developing and implementing an innovative process of manufacturing modular conveyor belts with the use of cobot. Modular conveyor belts are irreplaceable wherever access to washing agents is required to the conveyor structure and in conveyors containing arches (bends). Damage to a modular belt is associated with costs of its replacement and costs of stagnation in production. That is why the reliability and durability of the belt is so important for the company’s customers, as well as very fast delivery time. The project includes conducting R&D works by Archimedes, which will increase the company’s innovative activity. The works will end with the implementation of the process in the company. As a result of the support, the competitiveness of the company from the area of kujawsko-pomorskie voivodeship will be strengthened.
The subject of the project are R&D works concerning the development of an innovative process of production of modular conveyor belts with the use of a robot cooperating with a human – cobot. The new technology will allow to deliver modular belts for the production of devices (first assembly) and for the maintenance of movements (second assembly) in a much shorter time and more durable way. These are the most important aspects for current and potential customers.
EU co-financing of the project: PLN 304 021.56