The Synthetic Belts Centre in the Dąbrowa Górnicza Branch provides the basic belt manufacturing – cutting and thermal bonding of synthetic belts, welding of guide wedges, installation of mechanical joints, provision of external maintenance services.
Category: Belt Processing Centre Tags: aszyna do wgrzewania klinów prowadzących w taśmach, Centrum Taśm Syntetycznych, cięcie i łączenie termiczne taśm syntetycznych, elektryczny stół z nożem krążkowym do cięcia taśm, instalację złączek mechanicznych, Novitool AERO 1225 Firmy Anker Flexco, obróbka taśm, regały i wózki do składowania i transportu taśm w rolkach, stoły montażowe dla obsługi, świadczenie usług serwisowych zewnętrznych, Synthetic Belt Centre in Dąbrowa Górnicza, taśmy syntetyczne, urządzenia ręczne do instalacji złączek mechanicznych typu Anker i Aligator, urządzenie do precyzyjnego cięcia pasów i taśm “z rękawa”, wgrzewanie klinów prowadzących, Центр синтетических лент в Домброве Гурничей
The Synthetic Belts Centre in the Dąbrowa Górnicza Branch provides the basic belt manufacturing – cutting and thermal bonding of synthetic belts, welding of guide wedges, installation of mechanical joints, provision of external maintenance services.
Machine park – the workshop is equipped with very high quality machines for belt processing:
- Anker Flexco’s Novitool AERO 1225 – thermal welding machine (very fast, air-cooled, mobile press for workshop applications as well as for service – width of welded belts 1200 mm)
- Anker Flexco electric belt splitter (latest manufacturer’s model, fast calibration, low weight)
- mechanical tooth-cutting machine in belts type LYTC900 manufactured by Loyicn (manual operation for workshop and service)
- machine for heating guide wedges in belts – advanced electronic speed and temperature control systems for heating devices
- device for precise cutting of belts and tapes “from the sleeve” (sleeve length about 5000 mm)
- electric rotary table with knife for cutting belts (working width 2000 mm)
- manual devices for the installation of Anker and Alligator mechanical connectors
- assembly tables for operating
- shelves and trolleys for storing and transporting rolled belts.
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The Synthetic Belt Assembly Centre in Toruń
10,00złThe Synthetic Belt Assembly Centre in Toruń is a team of experienced and qualified employees and a modern machine park ...Belt designs
10,00złSynthetic Belt Assembly Centre in Toruń has over 70 types of belts supplied by renowned manufacturers such as Ammeraal Beltech, Volta ...PU tapes with supporting layer
10,00złPU tapes are usually made of one or two polyester reinforcement tie rods and polyurethane thermoplastic layers.
Zobacz również
Belt designs
10,00złSynthetic Belt Assembly Centre in Toruń has over 70 types of belts supplied by renowned manufacturers such as Ammeraal Beltech, Volta ...The Synthetic Belt Assembly Centre in Toruń
10,00złThe Synthetic Belt Assembly Centre in Toruń is a team of experienced and qualified employees and a modern machine park ...PU tapes with supporting layer
10,00złPU tapes are usually made of one or two polyester reinforcement tie rods and polyurethane thermoplastic layers.