The Synthetic Belt Assembly Centre in Toruń
The Synthetic Belt Assembly Centre in Toruń

The Synthetic Belt Assembly Centre in Toruń is a team of experienced and qualified employees and a modern machine park enabling comprehensive processing of conveyor belts and drive belts.

The centre is equipped, among others, with

  • cutting devices with circular knives enabling precise work
  • device for precise cutting of belts and tapes “from the sleeve”
  • splitters
  • toothing machines
  • grinders
  • guillotines for preparing tapes and belts for different types of joints
  • tapes’ and belts’ welders enabling thermal bonding up to a width of 2500 mm and longitudinal bonding of tapes
  • devices for mechanically joining tapes and belts to the Anker and Alligator connector type
  • devices for the thermal installation of additional components on the belt
  • HF machines allowing, among other things, for the induction melting of pickups, side frills and wedges
  • machining centres enabling precise perforation of tapes and belts, milling of teeth and execution of untypical orders
  • devices for applying additional coatings and profiles on toothed, V-belt and flat belt drives
  • manual and automatic devices for joining round and trapezoidal thermal belts.

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