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Prowadnice liniowe ślizgowe VST marki mk Technology, zwane równieżmodułami liniowymi występują w dwóch wielkościach bazujących na profilach aluminiowych: 50×50 oraz 100×100 mm.

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VST linear slides by MK Technology, also called as linear modules, are available in two sizes based on aluminium profiles: 50×50 and 100×100 mm.

The drive from the knob is transferred onto a trapezoidal screw and a POM nut. The screw mechanism is fully shielded. Trucks have factory-made mounting holes and screw clamps for secure locking.

Apart from the manual drive, a gear motor can be used. Depending on the equipment, the modules can indicate the movement of the truck by means of a rotary scale or a mechanical counter with an accuracy of 0.05 mm. Thanks to their mounting accessories, the guides are suitable for two-axis systems. In addition, each guide can be equipped with two trucks working in parallel or in opposite directions.

Features of the VST slides:

  • high static load capacity
  • maintenance-free and easy to clean – no need for lubrication
  • quiet and smooth operation

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